There was a delay getting the ship opened this morning. It seems one of the over-nighter cub scouts got sick in the hanger bay and maintenance had to be called to clean up before the opened the entrance. I was waiting at my watch in the Chart House wondering 'where are the morning guests ?' Eventually they got up there.
Here are a couple of pics of the Chart House:
The morning groups were a lot of fun. I had a lot of Vets on board today. I also had a few former Quartermasters (Navigators) come through on the tour. It was nice when they came back to let me know that they appreciated my presentation in the Chart House.
I've been honing my Chart House quiz. My lastest addition is after I ask where the Sextant is kept (answer: in the safe), then I ask "what is the combination?" I got a lot of funny answers today. There are so many natural comedians !
During the afternoon watch I worked the Mess Deck and the Engine Room as a rover. I met a family showing their teenage son around the ship. The Dad was a former Marine and the Mom was currently in the Navy. I met them on the Mess Deck and they asked about the Engine Room - so I gave them an abbreviated personal tour. They were very appreciative. I was glad to be of service.
At 4:pm the DOW radioed me to come up to the Flight Deck and help close down the line for the island tours. "Aye Aye Sir, roger that, I'm on the way up"
It was a fun day on the ship - which is one of the reasons I like going there.