Robert Johnson Blog

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Location: San Diego, California, United States

This is to chronicle my adventures on the USS Midway as a Docent. I was a civilian - I did not serve in the military, but I have respect for those that did.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I went to the All Hands Meeting this morning on the ship - and was awarded an authentic Navy Leather Flight Jacket for my service this past year. The Admiral was there and said nice things - and I got my pic with him.

I'm the one in the leather jacket - he's the good looking one.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A busy day on the ship this afternoon. We have over 4,000 guests today ! I guess the long Thanksgiving Weekend includes a trip to the USS Midway. And why not ?

I worked as coordinator in the island - getting guests up the ladders and setting up the tours from Primary Flight Control to the Captain's Bridge. Later, I led a few tours through the Bridge too.

I met a lot of cool people today, including a former Midway crew member from 1958. He served under Capt Blackburn on the ship. VERY COOL !

Here is something I'm thankful for: The Stars and Stripes flying over the USS Midway

Friday, November 17, 2006

A lot of updates since my last post - which seems so long ago.

In the mean time - I got a job and that has really cut back on my hours on the ship. The good news is that I hit the 1,000 hours mark though. They are going to honor me with a ceremony and an authentic leather flight jacket.