Robert Johnson Blog

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Location: San Diego, California, United States

This is to chronicle my adventures on the USS Midway as a Docent. I was a civilian - I did not serve in the military, but I have respect for those that did.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

It's a fun time working the ship on the evening Special Events. Some groups are bigger than others - naturally. Tonight was one of the smallest groups ever. They signed up for about 150 - and only 39 showed up !

Well - the ones there tonight got the best tour I could muster. I hope they go back to the convention and tell 'em what they missed.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

We've had SE's ( Special Events ) each night this week. We had Mortgage Brokers one night, Nurses the next, and tonight we had Engineers. Very different groups, but one thing in common - they all had a great time on the Midway.

The docent crew that I work with, that usually work the night events, are pretty great people too. We're all volunteers and we're there because we want to be.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Last week I got to join some Midway Docents as special guests on the USS Tarawa. By the way - that would explain why there are no pics just now. A sailor on the Tarawa taking my pic accidentally dropped my camera. Bouncing a digital camera on a flight deck doesn't hurt the deck so much as it shatters the camera. Oh well.

We have choices on how we respond to anything - he was doing me favor taking my picture and it was an accident.

Anyway, I had a wonderful time on the USS Tarawa - and that was something that money can't buy.