Robert Johnson Blog

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Location: San Diego, California, United States

This is to chronicle my adventures on the USS Midway as a Docent. I was a civilian - I did not serve in the military, but I have respect for those that did.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Meet Capt Bob Jackson, USN, Retired.
He was a crew member in 1958. He had been a pilot and was the Air Boss when Capt Blackburn was the CO of the Midway. He had lots of sea tales to tell about his time in the Navy and his adventures on board this ship.

I worked with Bob in Pri Fly on Sat morning. I think I learned more that day than I have in a long time.

Here is Bob giving a docent chat to guests. They were a lucky group to hear his 'real deal' chat.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Meet Eric - he mans the flight simulators on board. He is a former Marine - there is no such thing as an Ex-Marine. He's giving us a snappy Navy salute.

I worked New Year's Day on the ship - we were a little short handed, but it worked out alright. Not the first time we've gone thru that.

We flew our flag at half-mast for President Ford.