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Location: San Diego, California, United States

This is to chronicle my adventures on the USS Midway as a Docent. I was a civilian - I did not serve in the military, but I have respect for those that did.

Friday, September 19, 2008

We had an SE last night - I met a woman who had an uncle (Arnie Loshe) on the CV-59 USS Forrestal. Her uncle died in the July 1967 fire on board.

She asked if there were any Docents that had been on board too. I introduced her to Rob Stoner and it turns out he was not only on board, but that he knew Arnie too.

The woman, Jolene, was brought to tears. She hugged Rob and he told her the story of the fire. Her uncle Arnie never had a chance - he had been in the berthing area under the explosions, and had no way out of the fire.

Jolene was really moved and thanks us all so much. We took her picture with Rob, and she intends to treasure it.


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