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Location: San Diego, California, United States

This is to chronicle my adventures on the USS Midway as a Docent. I was a civilian - I did not serve in the military, but I have respect for those that did.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Wow - what a day yesterday on 9/11

The ceremony was very moving - conducted with grace and dignity.

They read all 353 names of the public servants that perished in the 9/11 attacks.

Some of the readers were from FDNY, FBI, local PD and FD, and some relatives of the lost heros.

Meet Robert - a Marine Sgt. He played taps, and when he did - there wasn't a dry on on the ship

The Marine Color Guard, one of several color guards, looked outstanding

The Firemen, leading the way parading the colors

You can't have firemen without bagpipes

The reading of the names - they rang the bell for each one

Reverent and looking very smart

These are Coast Guard Rescue Helocopters - in a fly by:


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